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The European Sleeper dining car will launch in September!

Thanks to our investors support,  the European Sleeper Dining Car is now a reality. This autumn, our Night Train will be among one of the few international night train equipped with a dining car.  If the pilot project is a success, the dining car will be a permanent feature on board our Night Train. 

Get ready to experience the unique combination of dining and sleeping aboard our GOOD Night Train, one of Europe's few privately owned international train operators to feature a dining car.

INVEST NOW The European Sleeper dining car will launch in September!

A good start

Since 25 May 2023, the first night trains of European Sleeper have been operating between Brussels, Amsterdam, and Berlin. And since 25 March 2024, the Good Night Train has been expanded to Prague! The launch of this unique community-based initiative attracted the attention of many international media outlets. Due to high interest, European Sleeper is offering private investors another opportunity to get on board with the company starting 19 December 2023. With the growth capital that becomes available, European Sleeper can reach more travellers, serve more destinations, and provide even better onboard service.

A good start

Our cooperative

In 2021, European Sleeper was founded by Elmer van Buuren and Chris Engelsman. A cooperative model was chosen since the company was established and financed by a broad community of night train enthusiasts. Through two investment rounds, European Sleeper has attracted €2.5 million in equity from more than 1,700 small and medium-sized private investors. Now over €5 million has been raised, by nearly 4000 investors! This allowed European Sleeper to make an exceptionally fast start without incurring any debt. Moreover, a unique European railway company has emerged, which is entirely community-owned.

Our cooperative

Growing fast

In 2024, the Brussels-Berlin route has been extended to Dresden and Prague. Moreover, concrete steps have been taken to start operating between Amsterdam, Brussels, and Barcelona from 2025. This latter connection has been selected by the European Commission as one of the ten pilot projects for improving international train travel in Europe. As a result, European Sleeper expects to receive support in establishing efficient international timetables and in financing its own carriages.

Growing fast

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